
Live Online #67: Nominee

I got to take a turn on the red carpet with Kou Chou Ching at this year’s Golden Melody Awards in Taipei on Saturday. Kou Chou Ching was nominated in the category of best band for the Unsung Heroes album that I was featured on.

providerThe award went to the band 1976, but it was a great experience being at the event. It’s the second year that Kou Chou Ching was nominated and I’m pretty sure they’ll win the award somewhere in the future – they’re hard-working guys, so it’s great to see them recognized.

We’re at about 1:30 in this YouTube clip.

Thanks so much to Provider for making sure I looked the part – they have an outlet in Taipei’s trendy Ximending ;^)

Enjoy Live Online #67: Nominee

This recording was made at Substance (Second Life) on June 27th, 2010.


Alternatively, listen to Live Online #67 via play.fm or mixcloud.com (128kbps mp3 – medium quality).

Download this mix for US$ 1.33 (256kbps mp3 – highest quality):


This mix is made available under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Taiwan (more details)



New PC

So remember two posts down where I said I’ll save up all my Second Life earnings and buy a new computer in about 6 months? Yeah, right – me and my stealy resolve. I’ve buckled, borrowed money from myself and bought a new machine on Saturday – hey, I can still pay the loan back with SL earnings, right? Here are the specs:

First off, the case (pictured) is larger than I expected, probably to accommodate those 120mm and 140mm fans. I planned to get the less blingy K58 or K60 model (no window, and not painted black inside), but they were out. I’m happy with how quiet the case is – obviously a large consideration when making music.

I’ve decided it’s a good time to finally move to Windows 7 – 32-bit for now, which means that I can sadly only use half of the installed 6GB ram. I’ll make the move to the 64-bit version once current audio projects that rely on 32-bit plugins are out of the way.  Either way, I’m very, very pleased with Windows 7 so far.

All my installs went without a hitch with some noteworthy items. The Windows 7 driver for the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra worked out of the box, but crashed when I ticked the “high performance mode” check-box under “settings” in the FTU control panel. I had to roll back with System Restore and re-install the driver, this time leaving the “high performance mode” alone. I’m currently running at the lowest ASIO/WDM buffer size of 128 samples with no problems (I ran the Core2Duo machine at double that – 256 samples).

I’ve decided to upgrade to the latest version of Ableton Live  Lite 8 (8.1.3) – I tried Live 8 on the previous machine, but had it crash on me in a show, so I stuck with Live 7. I’ve played my  last three SL shows on the new machine and so far so good with Live 8 on this PC, except for the little weirdness you can hear from 4:23 to 4:30 in the recording of Live Online #66: Core. Some of my channels dropped out unexpectedly and I kinda expected Live to crash, but it picked itself up and kept going. No idea what happened there ;^/

Finally,  a mention about install times for LA Scoring Strings. It installs off 5 dual-layer DVD’s for a total of 40GB. The documentation warns of a long install, saying that each DVD can take up to an hour to install. That was certainly the case when I installed LASS on the Core2Duo PC 2 weeks ago. Total install time was close to 5 hours. In contrast, the new machine did the install in close to an hour!

Oh, and a note about PC versus Mac. When mentioning my plan to upgrade my PC a couple of people suggested that I move to Mac. I thought about it, but decided to stick with PC for the following reasons.

  • My Cakewalk Sonar sequencing software is PC only – I can install Windows on the Mac, but that kinda defeats the purpose, right?
  • You can’t get a similarly specced Mac for double the price.
  • I’ve never had a problem with XP and I’m more than happy with Windows 7. Honestly, reliability and viruses have never been a problem here.

That all said, Macs are still beautiful ;^)

I’ll update this post if anything crops up with the new PC, but if you don’t hear from me you can safely assume I’m happy as a pig in mud.


Live Online #66: Core

Apologies for the delay in getting this one out – had a hitch recording the set last Sunday. Never fear, though, now it’s here!

Enjoy Live Online #66: Core

This recording was made at Gwampa’s (Second Life) on June 22nd, 2010.


Alternatively, listen to Live Online #66 via play.fm or mixcloud.com (128kbps mp3 – medium quality).

Download this mix for US$ 1.33 (256kbps mp3 – highest quality):


This mix is made available under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Taiwan (more details)



Live Online #65: Nova

After finishing a new mix for Kou Chou Ching over the weekend, I’m more committed than ever to upgrading my desktop PC. A mix like the Kou Chou Ching one consists of more than 70 stereo tracks, each requiring plug-ins. My current Core2Duo machine handles it, with the caveat that I have to freeze tracks in Sonar as I go along. Looking forward to not having to freeze tracks on the Core i7 machine I’m planning to get. I’ll be building it myself to save some money. The new machine is still some months away though as I planned to buy it strictly with earnings from shows in Second Life… The wait will hopefully make the eventual purchase all the sweeter.

Enjoy Live Online #65: Nova

This recording was made at Substance (Second Life) on June 13th, 2010.


Alternatively, listen to Live Online #65 via play.fm or mixcloud.com (128kbps mp3 – medium quality).

Download this mix for US$ 1.33 (256kbps mp3 – highest quality):


This mix is made available under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Taiwan (more details)



Live Online #64: Unicode

FedEx delivered my copy of LA Scoring Strings today and I can’t wait to install all 40GB of it and start playing. Not that it’s a toy – on the contrary, it’s the cutting edge of string libraries out there. And possibly the most advanced instrument in my studio. I got it mostly to improve the quality of the soundtrack I’m doing for the National Geographic documentary, and with an eye to doing more soundtrack work. But I can also see it being pushed into service on my chillout tracks.

Here’s the double-edged sword: if I can’t make my string arrangements sound good with the best tools available, it must mean that I suck at it. Never go into anything without a healthy dose of self-doubt.

Enjoy Live Online #64: Unicode

This recording was made at Comfort Zone (Second Life) on June 6th, 2010.


Alternatively, listen to Live Online #64 via play.fm or mixcloud.com (128kbps mp3 – medium quality).

Download this mix for US$ 1.33 (256kbps mp3 – highest quality):


This mix is made available under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Taiwan (more details)


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