Lovespirals – Motherless Child (Long Way From Home Mix)
Anji Bee has played a number of my tracks on her various podcasts and did an interview with me after the release of Chill Dynasty. Besides being a prolific podcaster, Anji is also a singer and half of the duo Lovespirals. I’ve just completed a remix of Lovespirals’ version of the blues classic Motherless Child. Their orginal version is destined for a new Lovespirals release expected in October. My Long Way From Home Mix will, in turn, find it’s way onto my remix album Asian Variations. Anji and partner Ryan Lum talk about their new album and Motherless Child in the latest episode of their Chillin’ with Lovespirals podcast. They also discuss my remix and play a snippet of it as a play-out to the podcast. Seems Anji and Ryan would both love to visit Taiwan some time. It would be great to meet them in person – hope we can make this happen somehow!