
DB’s Survival Strategies

Great article here for anyone even remotely involved in the music industry:

David Byrne’s Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists – and Megastars

Written by moshang in: By the ways |

Caetano Veloso and Concha Buika

I heard Caetano Veloso‘s version of “Cucurrucucu Paloma” in a 7-eleven last night. It had me pinned to the ceiling speaker until Emily could tell me who the artist was. Beautiful arrangement! Ordered a “best of” today and can’t wait for it to arrive.

And I was introduced Concha Buika by Simon Glickman of Editorial Emergency when he wrote my press release for Chill Dynasty last year. I was haunted by this track, but couldn’t find Buika’s album for sale online. I finally found her album and pre-ordered it here today. “Mi Nina Lola” is the title track off the album. Somehow I can’t get through watching it without getting my heart caught in my throat, no matter how often I watch it – and just when I think the charm has worn off, I’ll leave it for a day to come back to find it still doing it to me. Something’s going on here; I’ve tried to analyze what, but in the end I think it’s simply that voice and that performance. Pure voodoo:

Written by moshang in: By the ways |

Collaborations: NINJAM and Breathe


At the suggestion of Second Life blues maestro Komuso Tokugawa, an Australian artist living in Tokyo, I installed the free NINJAM application that allows for realtime jam sessions via the internet. I first installed the stand-alone application, but have found the plug-in version included with the REAPER DAW (another free download) to work much better on my system. I still have some teething problems to resolve (drop-outs and disconnects even on this 8M down 512kbps up ADSL line), but I’m pretty sure the problem is on my end and that the platform works. And even with these problems, it worked well enough for Komuso and I to do a short performance together last night, which he streamed into Second Life live. Komuso played guitar, blues harp and shakuhachi and I was on the windcontroller. In the first track, he was streaming the beat & bass, and in the second the beat & bass came from my side. Here’s what it sounded like:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Read Akihiko Yabu’s review of the performance here. It’s in Japanese, but Google Translate does a semi-OK job of translating it into English.

In the audience was Junivers Stockholm, an SL friend and musician that I’ve jammed with before via Voice in SL. Juni jammed along with our SL stream at his home in Sweden and recorded the result. Unfortunately, his contribution was not audible to Komuso and me, or to the audience in SL. He sent me an mp3 of the recording, however, and I’m presenting it here as a 3 way realtime jam with me in Taiwan, Komuso in Japan, and Juni in Sweden:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Incidentally, the NINJAM software allows for more than two participants – whilst experimenting, I’ve connected to a session with 6 participants, but my drop-out problem seems to become magnified with every additional participant. Whilst my jamming experiment with Juni via Voice in SL proved that it’s definitely a workable option (Juni has much more experience in this area than me), the benefit using NINJAM is that it allows for stereo streams.


Unrelated, but still squarely on the topic of collaborations, I was contacted by Hip Hop artist Keynote of the Drunken Monkiees. He liked my track “Comfort Zone” off Chill Dynasty and decided to add vocals to it. Though I’d never envisioned for the track to have vocals, I thought the result was really pretty cool! Well, Keynote just got back to me with an updated version – for this one, he’s gone into a studio to rerecord the vocals. Have a listen to “Breathe”:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Written by moshang in: News |

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