
Attending iSummit ’08

It’s looking more and more likely that I’ll be attending this year’s iSummit at the end of July to share experiences working on the CABACA / CC Asia Band project. Last year’s iSummit was hosted in Croatia, but this year the host city is Sapporo, Japan. I sat in on one of the sessions broadcast live into SecondLife last year and even managed to ask a question of the panelists at that session. It makes me all the more excited to take part in person this year. I’m also hoping to do a performance of my live set to be streamed live in to SL, perhaps with some of the CABACA collaborators – we’ll have to see how that develops.


I have my air-ticket and have officially registered. Guess I’ll be going then, Now I’m just waiting for a letter of invitation from Sapporo City for my visa application.

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CABACA album finished

It was a crazy last couple of days, but I delivered the final master of the CABACA album to PigHeadSkin last Tuesday – and managed to rush him to the station in time to catch the last bullet train back to Taipei ;^) You can hear full-length previews of some of the tracks on StreetVoice, including my track Freedom Zen with Chang Jui-chuan (featuring Chris Bailey on guitar – Chris and I had a third joint performance at Mojo Retro here in Taichung last night) and my mix of Kou Chou Ching’s Naluwan House featuring Sonja V. It’s in Chinese, I know, but click on the small red play buttons next to the track names.

The album is going to the factory this week for replication. Can’t wait for the final product – there’s always a huge sense of satisfaction in holding the CD in hand. There’s one thing I’d miss very much if we were to go all digital in the future.

Now it’s back to mixing tracks for Tafubar’s album, A Final Example Of Technological Change. Looking forward very much to holding that album in my grubby paws also!

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