
MLO#24 vs Electric Sheep

A big thanks to David Carboni for tipping me off to the cool synergy between my tunes and the hypnotic visuals from the Electric Sheep screensaver – or rather, “collaborative abstract artwork” as its creator Scott Draves describes it. In short, rather than just displaying the visuals each computer running the screensaver forms part of supercomputer and renders individual frames for these spectacular animations. Even better, the resulting visuals are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 (USA) license, meaning I am free to make this mashup with my music.

For this video, I grabbed some rendered animations from Sheep Packs 3 & 7 and dumped them into, along with an extract from Live Online #24 – cool timing, since has just added the video uploading feature in the last couple of weeks.

This mashup is similarly licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 (Taiwan) license and you can download the original animoto renders here:

MLO24-ELECTRICSHEEP.mp4 [high resolution – 139MB]

MLO24-ELECTRICSHEEP_DVD.iso [image for burning a DVD – 322MB]

MLO24_ELECTRICSHEEP.3g2 [320*240 cellphone version – 17MB]

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