Live Online #85: Flight
If you’ve become accustomed to your weekly dose of chill, apologies for skipping a beat last week. The show I intended to record and release was cancelled, and I got caught without a backup.
As I type, I’m awaiting the delivery of an Akai APC20 for Ableton Live. I’ve been trying to ween myself off using a mouse in Live and have pushed my Behringer BCR2000 into service as a controller. I’ve managed to set it up so I can control about 90% of a typical set with the BCR2000, but the 10% that remains makes it all too easy to fall back into the mouse-trap (ha!). Also, there are times that faders are just a better option than rotary encoders. I think I’ll be using the BCR2000 in addition to the APC20. I’m sure I’ll get it set up exactly to my liking once I’ve had a chance to play with it properly.
Enjoy Live Online #85: Flight
This recording was made at Substance (Second Life) on November 7th, 2010.
Alternatively, listen to Live Online #85 via or (128kbps mp3 – medium quality).
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This mix is made available under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Taiwan (more details)