Live @ The Wall – video
Here’s some video evidence of me performing at the launch in Taipei.
Here’s some video evidence of me performing at the launch in Taipei.
I’ve just made a playlist of machinima(s) (what’s the plural?) of me performing in Second Life. Most recently SL resident Aiden Witrial has made a whole bunch of me at various shows. I want to thank Aiden and the other producers for taking the time to do thisĀ – it’s been a great help in getting word out about the tunes.
I’ve uploaded 9 new music videos to YouTube to make a complete 45 minute video set. I used to use these videos in the past as my backtrack and background visuals at live performances, but I think you’ll enjoy them as is.
The tracks in the playlist are:
I meant to share this long ago, but never got around to it. Here’s a video I made to illustrate my working method for a presentation I did at a Creative Commons workshop entitled “Asia and the Commons” in Taipei (Taiwan) in January 2008. My presentation was called “Jamming With Machines” and this vid. was not intended as tutorial, but just to give some idea of how I go about building tracks. It’s a little outdated now, but someone might find it of interest ;^)
A big thanks to Aiden Witrial for creating this machinima of one of my recent Mood Lounge performances. You might recognize the soundtrack as the start of Live Online #7. Props, Aiden!
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