
ACIA Workshop

I’m thankful that the stress of preparing for it is behind me, but I had fantastic time at the International Workshop on Asia and Commons in the Information Age (ACIA) in Taipei last Saturday (19th). I did a presentation on Jamming with Machines in front of a very distinguished audience that had me feeling a little out of my depth, but as organizer Chuang Tyng-Ruey explained, it was helpful to have an artist’s perspective in amongst those of lawyers, academics an device manufacturers. I spoke last in the morning session on Tools for creativity, collaboration, and communication that was opened by a keynote address by Harvard Law Professor, William Fischer, and chaired by Mike Linksvayer (vice president of Creative Commons). Also featured were presentations by Sean Moss-Pultz (OpenMoko), Ellis Wang (ASUS), Takeshi Honma (SONY) and Jon Philips (Creative Commons).

In the afternoon, I attended a meeting with musicians attending the workshop from other parts of Asia. The meeting was led by Pig Head Skin (Taiwan) who has released a number of albums under CC licenses, and attended by Lisa Diy from the Philippines, Sudev Bangah (Malaysia), Bust This (Korea), a hip-hop duo whose album was the first to be released under a CC license in Korea and Fan-chiang of Kou Chou Ching, who performed with me in the evening. It was an interesting meeting of minds, and we left with the resolution to create a collaborative album together, which I will probably mix.

In the evening it was time for the Asia Megamix Party at Riverside Cafe in Taipei featuring all of the artists who were at the afternoon’s meeting. It was a great way to round off the day’s proceedings. My great thanks to Chuang Tyng-Ruey for inviting me to workshop and for his hard work in organizing such a successful CC event. Many thanks also to Kou Chou Ching, Chang Jui-chuan and AndrĂ© van Rensburg for joining me for performances in the evening. Here’s a video of my jam with AndrĂ© van Rensburg and Kou Chou Ching‘s DJ J-Little:

Written by moshang in: MoShang Live |


  • […] Well, we’re on the final stretch of work on the CC Asia album that I mentioned here, and it’s going to be an interesting one with contributions from artist from Taiwan, Korea, […]

    Pingback | May 22, 2008
  • […] my working method for a presentation I did at a Creative Commons workshop entitled “Asia and the Commons” in Taipei (Taiwan) in January 2008. My presentation was called “Jamming With […]

    Pingback | May 17, 2009

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